Other links 

Here are some other interesting links

CD production

Locust Studio

Zuidlaren. 'Attention Whores' was mastered and produced in this studio.
Nice people, nice atmosphere, no hassle


Nivedita Sneek. They printed the wallet of 'Attention Whores' and 'Hey You!'.
Nice people and very helpfull to get to a good endresult
Reclameland Assen. Inlay's and cover of the Reality 79 CD were printed here CLICK


Viadukt Our rehearsal place and great live venue CLICK
Preipop Festival Students'guild Cleopatra, Groningen, Netherlands CLICK


Wanna do what we do? Here are some links to get you started...

Home Recording The place to start if you want to know more about homerecording (forum) CLICK
Tweakheads Choosing a multitrack recorder which suites your needs CLICK
Steve Jobs Interesting article on homerecording CLICK
Homerecording.be Belgian site and forum dedicated to homerecording. Dutch language CLICK
Boss BR-900CD We recorded our first two cd's on this machine CLICK
Boss BR-1600CD This is our new multitracker CLICK
Harmony Central Lots of information on all kinds of music gear CLICK

Music related freeware

LMMS great freeware multitracker - also for Windows CLICK
Fretted Synth Plug your guitar into your soundcard and use your pc as a fx box - lots to choose CLICK
Shred Another great free guitar amp suite VST plugin CLICK
Linux Sampler Freeware sampler - also for Windows CLICK
PCMus Lots of music freeware CLICK

Other links

We Fly on the Wall Photoblog from Harold Zijp - Great live shots CLICK
PHP Junkyard This website uses free scripts from PHP junkyard CLICK
Punk fonts Download lots of Punk fonts for your own artwork CLICK
FlashMP3player The musicplayer on the left side is powered by FlashMP3Player CLICK


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