Two Two 79
22-06-2024 Waterskaap
location: Waterskaap, Hoogkerk, Netherlands

   Waterskaap June 22 2024


New, but also old...

In 2014 and 2016 we've played in Pino, a squat in Groningen. In the years following the building was evicted and torn down.
But Pino has found a new place in 'Waterskaap' in Hoogkerk at the edge of Groningen.
When arriving there from Groningen, it feels like entering a different world.
A small part of rural country right next to busy Groningen.

Other bands at the festival were Neuroot, Scatterbrains, Night of the Rhino and Destroy Oh Boy

Sadly no photo's of our gig. Instead you can find here some pictures of Waterskaap and a couple of the other bands. 

Click picture for fullsize

Click here for videos of this gig


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Scatterbrains  Night of the Rhino
 Wesley & Albert
Wesley & Albert 
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